CB RF 26.04.2024 25.04.2024
RUB/USD 92.1314 92.5058
RUB/EUR 98.7079 98.9118

Exchange dollars to rubles in Mozhga, Russia

April 26, 2024

Bank /
At least one branch working time
US Dollar
Buy Sell
Check Time
The best exchange rates92,70 93,95
BystroBank BystroBank 92,45 93,95
09:00 - 18:00, break: 12:30 - 13:30
today, 09:22:07
Databank Databank 92,70 95,00
08:00 - 18:00
today, 09:24:04
Rosselkhozbank Rosselkhozbank 91,65 97,20
08:30 - 18:30
today, 09:22:11